Legal Notice

Legal Notice Legal Notice
Legal Notice

Legal Notice

Legal disputes are a part of life sometimes we cannot avoid them. Whether it's about the disputed ownership of a property or bounced cheque, wrongful termination, or family conflicts such as divorce or custody issues, sometimes taking the other party to court is the only way to resolve the matter. Before embarking on that avenue, however, notice must first be formally served to the other party. This is done through a legal notice, which is a legal warning of intending to pursue legal procedures if the matter cannot be resolved.

Why File a Legal Notice

Declaration of Intent: When you issue a legal notice, you declare to the person, to whom the notice is issued, that you would file a case against him/her. On most occasions, this makes the respondent tackle the issue amicably as they do not wish to waste time sitting in a courtroom rather than losing money in the process.

strengthening Your Case

If the dispute results in litigation, the person will be able to prove that they have attempted to amicably resolve the issue by sending a legal notice.

When To Send a Legal Notice

Legal notices are commonly given in civil cases, but they also come in handy for commercial disputes. Some common incidences that necessitate sending a legal notice include;

Disputes involving property: The first course of action if there is a delay in possession of the property, unlawful eviction from family property, or its partition.

Employment Disputes: A legal notice can be given to employers based on wrongful termination, less than minimum wage, or any other breach of an employee's rights. Similarly, employers can send a legal notice to an employee for breaching his or her agreement, violating company policies, and improper resignation procedures.

Consumer Complaints: If you have purchased defective goods, received inappropriate services, or have been cheated by fraudulent advertisement, you can present a legal notice to the company demanding redressal or compensation

Cheque Bounce Cases: When a cheque is returned due to insufficient funds in the account, the Negotiable Instruments Act requires the payee to send a legal notice to the drawer within 30 days when the cheque is returned.

Family Disputes: Litigations on divorce, maintenance, rights upon children, and so on related to family matters can also include a legal notice as a declaration of intent.

Why YKG Global?

At YKG Global, we provide you with legal notice drafting and filing, to ensure your grievances are put forward clearly and there is a chance of solving the matter amicably. Our legal team comprises dedicated professionals who are focused on leading you down the path of justice in an organized and effective manner.

Our services include:

  • Consultation entailing in-depth discussion of your case.
  • Drafting notices according to individual details and needs.
  • Post legal notice assistance as well.
  • Litigation services after the matter goes to court.
  • From our perspective, we pride ourselves in attention to detail and further need for security of your rights.



A legal notice formally informs the other party of your intent to pursue legal action, prompting them to resolve the issue amicably to avoid courtroom proceedings.

Legal notices are typically sent in disputes involving property, employment issues, consumer complaints, cheque bounce cases, and family conflicts, serving as a preliminary step before litigation.

Sending a legal notice demonstrates your effort to resolve the matter amicably, providing evidence of attempted resolution should the dispute escalate to litigation.

YKG Global provides legal notice drafting, consultation for case discussions, post-notice assistance, and litigation services if the matter escalates to court, ensuring thorough support.

Common scenarios include property disputes, employment grievances, consumer complaints about defective goods, cheque bounce cases, and family law disputes, necessitating formal communication before legal action.

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